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Finding Identity in Christ and Living Out Your Purpose

"The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands." Psalm 138:8, ESV

There's an abstract bridge that's crossed from childhood to adulthood. It can't be touched physically, but we all know it's there. For some like me, this bridge is damaged. There's turbulence and the bridge is battered and frayed. Crossing it could feel like a never-ending storm. Once the other side is reached, exhaustion, developmental patterns, anxiety, and thought processes kick into overdrive. The damage done isn't fully realized until years down the road. Those out there like this, it may be hard for you to realize you have a purpose. You probably lay awake at night wondering why your parents had you and you may feel lost. You're too exhausted to put on the mask fully. Finding identity in Christ is essential to thriving in a masqueraded world.

Everyone wears a mask in life. Some get paid to wear it. Whether the mask is worn fully and completely is up to each individual. However, the mask always comes off eventually. Finding identity in Christ in a world where intentions are masked is the foundation to spiritual development.

"I AM who I AM."

"And God said to Moses, 'I AM who I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you." Exodus 3:14, NIV.

The fundamental principle of knowing who we are lies in knowing who God is first. Jesus is the cornerstone of all creation and so should be for our lives. Most of the jaded conception in the mind of who we are lies in the twisted agenda that has been pushed about Jesus. When we have a clear understanding of the King of Kings, the Great I AM, we can then have a clear understanding of who we are.

"God, the Great I Am," commentary on Exodus 3:14 on Bible Hub by C. Kingsley, M.A.

The seven "I AM" verses:

  • "Bread of Life"--John 6:35

  • "light of the world."--John 8:12

  • "the door."--John 10:9

  • "good shepherd."--John 10:11

  • "the resurrection and the life."--John 11:25-26

  • "I AM the way, the truth, and the life."--John 14:6

  • "the vine."--John 15:5

For more information on the attributes of God please see the following articles under the Attributes of God series:

Biblical Definition of Purpose

There are more than 34 Scriptures in the Bible that discuss God's definition of His people. These scriptures include the following books.

  • Matthew

  • John

  • Acts

  • Romans

  • 1 Corinthians

  • 2 Corinthians

  • Galatians

  • Ephesians

  • Colossians

  • 1 Thessalonians

  • Hebrews

  • 1 Peter

  • 1 John

Image used from

God's want is for all to be saved, but they must first humble themselves and submit to Him. The same books mentioned above also mention the process of salvation, by grace alone through Christ alone. In my church, there is a stained-glass display behind the altar to show salvation.

  • Sola Gratia: by grace alone

  • Sola Fides: by faith alone

  • Solus Christus, also translated as Solo Christo: Christ alone, or through Christ alone

  • Soli Deo Gloria: glory to God alone

  • Sola Scriptura: by scripture alone

For more information regarding the historical shift of the Protestant Reformation, please see The Gospel Coalition in their article "The Five Solas: An Overview of the Reformation Solas."

"Life Levels: A Biblical Study of Purpose"

The study above is titled, "Life Levels," and goes over key points in depth such as progression of maturity by the Christian, the Christian's definition in Christ, moral excellence, spiritual strongholds, and applications. This study was conducted by a pastor and his wife in two separate small fellowship studies at my church.

I hope this article has strengthened and grown you while reading and shed light on subjects that the world masquerades in using the Christian front. Take care this week and remember that God's mercies renew every morning. God bless.

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